How do you change the prompt in SQL PLUS
set sqlprompt "&&prompt_dbname> "
set sqlprompt &prompt_dbname>
This will prompt you to enter the DB Name
Enter value for prompt_dbname: MyOracleDB
With the above step you will have to repeat this every time you log in; But how do you avoid that?
When you are using multiple database instances you may get lost where and which database you are in: It is always a good idea to have the SQL Prompt to say what you are connected to. To do this:
Step 1: Create a new file called “login.sql” in the same folder as sqlplusw.exe resides
Step 2: Copy the below content into the “login.sql” file
column user_sid new_value sql_prompt
select lower(user) || '@' || '&_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER' user_sid from dual;
set sqlprompt '&sql_prompt> '
select lower(user) || '@' || '&_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER' user_sid from dual;
set sqlprompt '&sql_prompt> '
clear screen;
set serveroutput on;
set serveroutput on;
There you go, Now everytime you log in you would see the user and Prompt